
Reclaim Heat pump hot water systems

A Reclaim Heat Pump Hot Water System uses far less energy when compared to a conventional electric and gas hot water heater and also generates a higher thermal output for a given it’s energy input.

Reclaim is a high end, quality heat pump that works in all Australian environments

Reclaim CO2 heat pump hot water heaters
  • Reduce your energy costs and create environmentally friendly hot water every day of the year.
  • 80% energy savings – that’s up to 5 times more energy efficient than conventional electric water heaters.
  • Australian designed for Australian conditions, Australian made tanks (VE) coupled with quality Japanese made heat pump.
  • Custom system that can be programmed to meet family needs and all the changing seasons.
  • Built-in frost, freeze, and legionella safety control systems

A Reclaim heat pump hot water heater uses leading technology to draw energy in from the ambient atmosphere and transfer it into heat. Using Ozone friendly refrigerant gas (CO2) absorbs the heat, which then flows through a compressor, where it’s converted into a high temperature gas. The refrigerant gas then passes through a condenser within the water heat exchanger and the water is heated and then stored in the hot water storage tank for your use whenever hot water is required. No backup element booster is required with a Reclaim heat pump

This means a Reclaim hot water system requires much less electricity to heat your water when it is compared to conventional hot water systems. In fact, the system will save you up to 80%* of hot water energy costs and that can equate to over $1000 a year, every year back in your pocket

Reclaim heat pump has an average COP of 5 which means that for 1 kW of electric input, it generates about 5 kW thermal output. This is about 80% less energy when compared to traditional electric element hot water systems, where 1 kW of electricity generates 1 kW of thermal output. A comparison is given on a case study page for a Reclaim system versus other hot water technology solutions from a cost and performance perspective.

As electricity prices continue to rise year on year, a Reclaim Hot Water System becomes the best, most financially sustainable option available.

With a system size to suit every home, choosing a Reclaim hot water heater is a great choice when considering a high end heat pump hot water system for your home.

Call us for all your Reclaim heat pump hot water system enquiries